Scientific Journals
Portillo-Quintero, C., Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A.; Calvo-Alvarado, J.; Quesada, M.; Espirito-Santo M.M. (2014) The role of tropical dry forests for biodiversity, carbon and water conservation in the neotropics: lessons learned and opportunities for its sustainable management. Regional Environmental Change, DOI 10.1007/s10113-014-0689-6
Portillo-Quintero, C.; Sanchez-Azofeifa, A.; Culvenor, D. (2014) Using VEGNET In-Situ Monitoring Lidar (IML) to capture dynamics of Plant Area Index, structure and phenology in Aspen Parkland Forests in Alberta, Canada. Forests, 5(5), 1053-1068; doi:10.3390/f5051053
Portillo-Quintero, C., Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A.; Espirito-Santo M.M. (2013) Monitoring deforestation with MODIS Active Fires in Neotropical dry forests: an analysis of local scale assessments in Mexico, Brazil and Bolivia. Journal of Arid Environments 97:150-159.
Arias, J.C., Stauffer, F. & Portillo-Quintero, C. (2013) Catalogo de colecciones de Palmas (Arecaceae) del estado Zulia. Pittieria 37:09-27
Larreal, J.T.; Rivas, G.A., Portillo-Quintero, C.; Barros, T. (2012) Squamata reptiles of a fragment of tropical dry forest in northwestern Venezuela (Lake Maracaibo Region). Check List 8 (6):1220-1224.
Portillo-Quintero, C., Larreal, J. Gonzalez, I., Sanchez, A. and Valbuena, C. (2012) Forest cover and deforestation patterns in the Northern Andes (Lake Maracaibo Basin): a synoptic assessment using MODIS and Landsat imagery. Applied Geography, 35:152-163.
Avila-Cabadilla LD, Sanchez-Azofeifa GA, Stoner KE, Alvarez-Añorve MY, Quesada M, Portillo-Quintero, CA. (2012) Local and Landscape Factors Determining Occurrence of Phyllostomid Bats in Tropical Secondary Forests. PLoS ONE 7(4): e35228. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035228
Portillo-Quintero C. & Sanchez A. (2010) Extent and Conservation of tropical dry forests in the Americas. Biological Conservation 143:144-155.
J. P. Rodríguez, J. M. Nassar, K. M. Rodríguez-Clark, I. Zager, C. Portillo-Quintero, F. Carrasquel, and S. Zambrano.(2008) The human dimensions of Venezuelan tropical dry forests. Environmental Conservation 35:311-318
Rojas-Runjaic,F.; Portillo-Quintero, C. & Borges A. (2008) Un nuevo escorpión del género Ananteris Thorell, 1891 (Scorpiones, Buthidae) para la Sierra de Perijá, Venezuela. Memorias de la Fundación La Salle. 169:65-81.
Wright, S.J., Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Portillo-Quintero, C., Davies, D. (2007) Poverty and corruption compromise tropical forest reserves. Ecological Applications, 17(5), 2007,pp.1259-1266.
Fajardo, L., V. González, J. M. Nassar, P. Lacabana, C. A. Portillo, F. Carrasquel & J. P. Rodríguez (2005) Tropical Dry Forests of Venezuela: characterization and current conservation status. Biotropica 37:531-546.
Book Chapters
Oki, Y., Sanchez-Azofeifa, A.; Portillo-Quintero, C.; Yamarte, P; Wilson-Fernandes, G. (2013) Carbon-Dioxide enrichment effects in the Spectral Signature of Lianas and Tree species from tropical dry forests. In: Tropical Dry Forests in the Americas: Ecology, Conservation and Management. Sanchez-Azofeifa et al. (eds) CRC Press.
Portillo-Quintero, C.; Sanchez-Azofeifa G.A.; M.M. Espirito-Santo. 2013. Edge Influence on canopy openness and understory microclimate in two neotropical dry forest fragments. In: Tropical Dry Forests in the Americas: Ecology, Conservation and Management. Sanchez-Azofeifa et al. (eds) CRC Press.
Calvo-Alvarado, J., Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Portillo-Quintero, C.(2012) Neotropical Dry Forests.. in Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Vol 4, Simon A. Levin, ed, Academic Press.
S.M. Lehman, J.C. Vié, M.A. Norconk, C. Portillo-Quintero, C. & B. Urbani. (2013) (Chapter 39) The Guyana shield Venezuela & the Guyanas. In A.A. Barnett, L.M. Veiga, S.F. Ferrari, and M.A. Norconk (Editors) Evolutionary Biology and Conservation of Titis, Sakis and Uacaris. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A. & Portillo-Quintero, C. (2011) Extent and Drivers of Change of Neotropical Dry Forest. Pages 45-57 in Dirzo, R., Mooney, H & Ceballos, G. Eds. Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests. Stanford University Centre for Latin American Studies and Universidad Autonomy de Mexico. Standford University Press.
Hernández, M. y Portillo-Quintero, C. (2010) Study Case: Conversion trends of the tropical forests of northern Perija mountains. Red Book of Venezuelan Ecosystems. Asociación Civil PROVITA. Pp 257-262. Caracas, Venezuela.
Portillo-Quintero, C, Lacabana, P. Carrasquel, F. (2010) Study Case: Conversion trends of tropical forests of the Venezuelan Central Cordillera. Red Book of Venezuelan Ecosystems. Asociación Civil PROVITA. Pp 239-244. Carcas, Venezuela.
Wright, SJ, HC Muller-Landau, GA Sanchez-Azofeifa, C. Portillo-Quintero and D Davies. (2009). The future of Southeast Asian forests and their species. Pages 91-104 in N. Stacey, B. Campbell, G. Boggs and W. Steffen, editors. Prepare for impact: When people and the environment collide in the tropics. Charles Darwin University Press, Darwin, Australia.
Chong, M. M., K. Dutchak, J. Gamon, Y. Huang, M. Kalácska, D. Lawrence, C. Portillo, J. P. Rodríguez y A. Sánchez-Azofeifa (2008) Remote Sensing. Páginas 47-80 En: J. M. Nassar, J. P. Rodríguez, A. Sánchez-Azofeifa, T. Garvin y M. Quesada, editores. Manual of Methods: Human, Ecological and Biophysical Dimensions of Tropical Dry Forests. Ediciones IVIC, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC), Caracas, Venezuela.